21 Tips For Business Success

Do you know someone who is a thrill-seeker? They seem invincible, and you ask yourself where they find the courage.
Even though they may appear like a superhero, they aren’t. Everyone has fears and doubts throughout life. You are not alone. But how each person approaches fear is what makes or breaks them.
Having fear tells you it is something you are passionate about and don’t want to screw up. But facing your fears allows you to step out of your comfort zone and break down bearers.
After you’ve conquered the fear, you will feel stronger, more confident, and have a better grasp of your capabilities for the future. Fear doesn’t make you weak or any less equal than someone else, but only you can take the steps needed to overcome it.

When’s the last time you did something unexpected or crazy? Maybe you’re past due.
Living your everyday life is scary enough sometimes, so why would you want to shake things up? I’ve been there. Let’s be honest; I usually like staying in my comfort zone like the rest of us.
But I can recall many times in my life if I had not done the unexpected, many people I’ve met, experiences I’ve lived, and doors that have opened would have never happened.
Sometimes you have to be bold to get what you want or where you want to go! Staying in your comfort zone will not do you any favors. Plus, the more times you take the risk, the easier it becomes.
Sure, the risk might not take you down the path you thought it would, but it could lead you somewhere better in the long run.
Who’s knocking behind your door, and what’s holding you back from opening it?

Success comes from making accomplishments and asking others to recognize you for them.
The same rules apply whether you are working for yourself or someone else.
Use your accomplishments to:
[-] Ask for more responsibility or take on more complex projects
[-] Leverage pay increase or starting price
[-] Provide grounds for qualifications
[-] Build confidence and strength
No matter how big or small the accomplishment, others need to know about it. Don’t let your achievements slip past, allowing others to question them later. Also, make sure you are documenting every single one for you to recall in the future.

Did you know you are already an expert at reading body language? IT’S TRUE!
When women become mothers, we instantly know how to care for our children or know when something is wrong because we can read them. It’s our superpower because we are infused with this nurturing and caring demeanor from the day we are born.
We must use this skill throughout our life, meaning in our businesses too. It will help you reach your goals and better understand managing others, whether in your team or just your client.
Don’t be afraid to embrace it and use it to your advantage.

Confidence is key. How many times have you heard that?
Forbes Advisory has released several charts in the past year about the confidence level between men and women. They all show that women’s confidence has dwindled while men’s is rising.
That’s why this post is essential. Whether you are running your own business or working for someone else, you need to hear this.
The world underestimates women every single day. When you get called into a meeting, or you are speaking with a client/customer, there is a reason you are there. You have the experience, can get the job done, or attracted them for another reason. Don’t second guess yourself or think you are not the right person for the opportunity.
Confidence comes with time, but we can’t build on it if we let others continue to underestimate us or we step down from the challenge. Ask a successful woman you admire about a time she was underestimated, and she can tell you stories for days.
Success will only come for those who fight for it. Be strong when they underestimate you and prove them wrong. Confidence will be waiting for you around the corner.

Women might go through phases in their careers where they want to go unnoticed in the workforce. You might think to yourself, “if I’m not noticed, then I can just do my job.”
We think this way because our parents coached us to be friendly, caring, and pleasant when we were little girls, making us obsessed with perfection and less likely to take risks.
Successful women are fearless, which sets them apart from everyone else. Even when that means they are the only female in the room.
One of my very best friends has always been someone I could look up to. She was always at the top of the class. She was our valedictorian. She finished school early and started college to be an engineer. I remember when she told me how few of females were in her college classes, and now, at her job, she is the only female and the youngest person in the room. But that never stopped her. She even went on to get her masters! She is a beast and one of the bravest people I know.
So I encourage you, break out of the normal. Some businesses might be stuck in their ways and still don’t want to treat women equally. If you feel stuck in your current career or feel unsatisfied, it’s time to look for something new. There are plenty of companies that will value you and your expertise.

Successful women motivate and encourage others! Because there’s enough space in the world for us all to thrive.
Over a month ago, I received this message:
“Hey, Sarah! Just browsing around and saw your profile. Love what you’re doing! I just wanted to say hello and connect with a fellow women entrepreneur!”
I instantly was intrigued by the kind words and wanted to know more about her.
After learning more and watching her feed grow, I noticed her technique was somewhat similar to mine. We don’t offer the same services, but we speak similar lingo.
We’ve had several conversations over the past weeks, and I genuinely enjoy getting to chat with her. She’s full of tips, positive vibes, and motivation!
She’s a coach, she’s from Greece, and she’s killing it! Go strike up a conversation with Emily @howtoplanit_coach. She’s super nice! And give her a follow while you’re there.

STOP WAITING! Take this step if you want to get ahead.
When you have the passion for starting down a path, there will be some fear or self-doubt. Fear of the unknown, right. Will you succeed, or will you fail?
If you succeed, wow, how awesome would that be! If you fail, guess what, you can pat yourself on the back for giving it all you had, and I would bet you’ve learned a thing or two. Never be sorry for gaining additional knowledge. What you master is either going to make the outcome better or lead you in another direction.
[Here’s a secret] No one is 100% confident in their decisions. But those who don’t wait are the ones who become successful.
I’m still on my journey to success, and I can’t tell you how much I’ve learned in the past six months that I would have never absorbed if I didn’t START.
Before taking this path, I talked with a trusty friend. She told me I had the brainpower, the guts, and the drive to be successful. All I had to do was jump in, so I did.
If you are still on your path to success like myself, I would love to connect with you! Give me a follow. I want to find ways I can help you succeed.

Did you know – those who are playing to their strengths are THREE TIMES more likely to have a better quality of life? Here’s how to outperform those who are not utilizing their strengths.
[First] you have to know your strengths. These are probably items you can knock out super fast and find enjoyable. If anyone has ever told you how great you did at something or how quick you were to complete something, it probably means it’s not something they find easy. It could be one of your strengths!
[Second] you want to make multiple lists. One for the list of your strengths and what tasks they involve. Next, if you currently have anyone on your team, you want to list out their strengths and tasks. Last, make a list of any strengths your business is missing and those tasks.
[Third] you want to find a way to make up for the strengths you are needing. This would either entail learning new skills or hiring someone who already has the strength.
[WAIT] before you throw out the thought of either of those options, let me ask you a question.
[?] Would you rather learn the skill yourself to keep your business running smoothly or be growing your business?
You might be learning something either way, but don’t do tasks that someone else can do. Instead, run your business so it can become bigger and better.

Perfectionism has increased over the years. Now, as many as 2 in 5 kids are perfectionists. So what does this mean for your business? Keep reading.
Because society has built this model around women and moms to be super organized and put together, it places more stress on us, thinking that we have to live our lives in this way. This causes depression, anxiety, and other mental health challenges.
INSTEAD of this one-track mind, think about PROGRESS.
Progress – a movement toward a goal or a higher stage.
Perfectionism stalls progress!
If you want to see results, then you have to keep things moving. Don’t delay deadlines because it’s not perfect. When you stop a project, you’re stopping progress, and you’re controlling your growth.
Did you know – those who are playing to their strengths are THREE TIMES more likely to have a better quality of life? Here’s how to outperform those who are not utilizing their strengths.
[First] you have to know your strengths. These are probably items you can knock out super fast and find enjoyable. If anyone has ever told you how great you did at something or how quick you were to complete something, it probably means it’s not something they find easy. It could be one of your strengths!
[Second] you want to make multiple lists. One for the list of your strengths and what tasks they involve. Next, if you currently have anyone on your team, you want to list out their strengths and tasks. Last, make a list of any strengths your business is missing and those tasks.
[Third] you want to find a way to make up for the strengths you are needing. This would either entail learning new skills or hiring someone who already has the strength.
[WAIT] before you throw out the thought of either of those options, let me ask you a question.
[?] Would you rather learn the skill yourself to keep your business running smoothly or be growing your business?
You might be learning something either way, but don’t do tasks that someone else can do. Instead, run your business so it can become bigger and better.
[Statistics from Healthgrades – Oct 2020]

I know you’ve seen people post with #help in their text. Seek out these posts within your network at least twice a week.
Here’s why:
[Reputation] Pick questions that relate to a topic you are knowledgeable about but also want to be known for. Advising people in need will help grow your status, and others will start tagging you on topics they want information on.
[Future Topics] If you see a question repeated, you can easily make a post or blog topic from it. Use the link as leverage when you answer it next time. It will not only drive that person to your site but others who are searching for the answer organically.
[Leads] By building up your reputation and creating useful content, it will generate leads. This might be a slow process, but the more leads you get, the more reputation and referrals you will receive.

“I shall either find a way or make one.” – Hannibal Barca
We all face setbacks, obstacles, and failures. But they shouldn’t stop us from conquering our goals!
I was surprised to learn last year that someone I knew saw me as a role model. So whether you know it or not, others are watching you. Because they look up to you, they want to see you succeed, or because they want to watch you fail. No matter how hard times might get, don’t give up.
Have determination! Establish purpose!

Skills may get you noticed, but skills alone will not bring a constant flow of clients.
Your values will outweigh your skills every time. Focus on your values, and your brand will attract the quality clients you seek. While working with your clients, you will build trust. Trust is what relationships are built from, and that is how you build your reputation.
The values I brand myself with are devotion, integrity, quality, individuality, and support.

Let me know on a scale of 1 to 10 how good you think your listener skills are.
I would put myself up pretty high, possibly a 9. I am more of a listener than a talker. For those of you who score yourself high, I would say we are quick learners.
Next time you feel stuck, ask someone you trust and admire for help. Other people’s advice and ideas will open our minds to possibilities we never could imagine on our own.
I connect with many people in the same industry as myself because I constantly learn new techniques from them. I also encourage others. If you want to connect with me because you feel I can provide knowledge to the path you are on, send me a message! Let’s chat and bounce ideas off one another.

What time of day do you perform your best? I’ve always thought I did the best work at mid-day, but now I have realized it’s before mid-day.
The quality of energy you have while you are working is crucial. Knowing your energy levels throughout the day is key to your effectiveness. Usually, we perform our best when our energy levels are high. Next time you are struggling to be productive, take note of your energy.
Anytime we are not happy, our energy is draining. Certain emotions can make it hard to focus, then afterward, it makes you want to rest and recharge. We all know it’s impossible to be happy all the time, but knowing this emotion will keep your energy high is gold.
Next time you need to put your game face on:
[1] Plan it during the time of day that works best for your energy.
[2] Push away all distractions that could bring your energy down.
[3] Do something that makes you happy before your start, so you have the correct energy.

Everyone would rather be happy than miserable while at work, right?
Start by evaluating the environment, because this greatly influences your attitude. Not only does it make you happier, but it also increases productivity and motivates you.
Here are a few ways to ensure the environment is positive:
[-] The atmosphere is productive
[-] Communication is open and honest
[-] Team members are compassionate
[-] Reinforcement is positive
[-] Opportunities for growth
[-] Positive thinking
[-] Work-life balance

Think of a great entrepreneur that you admire. Do you wonder how many ideas went undeveloped they had? Probably thousands.
Each of us has ideas every day, but having the strength to say “no” to the majority of those is what will make us successful.
It’s essential for businesses when they start to have focus. Many of us get wrapped up in so many things we don’t realize that narrowing our focus could ultimately reward us the most.
Make a list of the ideas that you can complete in short time frames, and maybe when you’re able to give each your full attention, you can come back to them. Just remember that it’s ok to say “no” and move on.

“Even if you are on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.”
-Will Rogers
When I first read this quote a few weeks ago, it moved me. (ha! get it “moved”) Even if you are going in the right direction, it never occurred to me that you could be sitting still, but it certainly rings true.
So how do we keep moving even when we feel stuck. Here are a few pointers:
[-] Set goals that are achievable
[-] Don’t fear failure
[-] Take risks
[-] Don’t settle
[-] Seek a mentor
Remember that a baby step is still movement, even if it’s small.

Babe Ruth said, “You just can’t beat the person who never gives up.”
I’ve always lived my life this way, and I don’t intend ever to change.
My story has had many roadblocks. I’ve encountered people who only torn me down, people who teased me for no reason, people who shut me out to only please others. Not long ago, I was in a car wreck. I had to learn to walk again, not once but twice. Every day I live in pain and am reminded of it.
But I don’t let any of it stand in my way. I do that by continuing forward and finding people to surround me that appreciate who I am and the excellent skills I have to offer. I love the work that I do and helping others that also don’t give up.

5 ways to utilize your time, BUT first three tips to make sure you’re successful. Because I know you’ve heard about these strategies before.
[TIP #1] The way you organize your time should be custom to you. You can read about several methods, but you have to find the one that works for your personality.
[TIP #2] If you haven’t yet organized your day, then it might not be wise to try to accomplish it all at once. Start generating your routine by completing one task for several days and then moving on to the next task. This will make you more successful, and it will seem less stressful to stay on top of it until you’ve got it down.
[TIP #3] Remember, you can only do so much in one day. Don’t overload yourself and do self-checks. Your body will let you know when it’s time to recharge.
How to Utilize Your Time Wisely:
[-] Plan your day (don’t forget about breaks)
[-] Prioritize according to importance and complete similar tasks together
[-] Delegate Responsibly
[-] Minimize distractions
[-] Avoid multi-tasking

You know the old saying – “Keep your customers close but your competitors closer.” Ok, maybe that’s not the exact phrase, but I bet it still applies. So once we know who our competitors are, then what? Then, it’s time to take a look at what you bring to the table.
[1] Pinpoint what makes you different and bring it to the foreground.
[2] Define a clear message that illustrates to your customers why your brand is unique.
[3] Evaluate your branding to ensure it’s in sync with your message.
[4] Treasure your existing customers. As you build and grow, test new products and theories with your current customers, they are a great resource. It will make them feel appreciated, special, and helpful.
[5] Gather data from present customers to see if your brand can expand to new markets or what timeframe it could be ready.
[6] Watch for partnership opportunities that will allow you to reach new heights. Bear in mind that your goals to succeed come first.
[7] Find a competitor that’s been around the block. Note how their brand has changed, their challenges, and what innovations they made to stay afloat.
[8] Besides you and your customers, think about who knows your brand best. YOUR TEAM! Bring them in for brainstorming activities, give them opportunities to be creative, collaborate with them, make sure they feel heard, and keep their development healthy. Your team is crucial to your survival, and these are the simplest ways to keep them happy.