Does your About page provide the correct information?

Ask yourself the following questions when creating your website’s About page.

Who reads About pages?

[-] The people who want to work with you [-] People looking at you for a job opportunity [-] Your competitors [-] Your friends and family

What do you write on your About page?

The secret sauce is to include the following: [-] A simple sentence that introduces yourself. [-] Explain how you gained your skillset. [-] Elaborate on why you do what you do. [-] Give reasons how you can help whoever is reading it. [-] Clarify why your audience should trust you. [-] Introduce an action you want them to take.

When does your audience look at this page?

[-] When they are looking to trust you or not [-] When they want to learn about your why [-] When they want to see what your values are

Where do you sell on this page?

[-] Sell yourself [-] Sell your why! [-] Sell your values [-] Sell how you help others [-] Sell who you’ve helped You might be asking yourself, what do I do if I’ve put all these points on my other pages? [-] Some of this information you might think is repeated on other pages, which is ok. [-] You might not have a lot of content, so just add snippets of this sprinkled throughout your site and provide a link to learn more so it entices them to click and land on your About page. [-] Everyone will not read every word on every page.

Why should your audience want to keep reading? How do you make them want more?

It should be clear throughout your site which you are helping. When your target audience lands on your website, they should feel like they belong. They want to know how you can solve their problem, who you’ve helped in the past, and what they are saying about you. Your About page is less about you and your background but how you are there to support THEM. These elements will do the following: [-] keep your audience engaged [-] build trust with your audience [-] entice your audience to look at your work and services [-] get your audience excited to talk with your One mistake people make is thinking everyone will read your About page. They won’t.

Giving character to the rest of the pages on your website by communicating a little about yourself provides several opportunities:

[-] Entices them to click to read more about you on your About page. [-] Without looking at your About page, it gives a personal touch and builds trust. [-] Gives you more space on your About page to put other things like team info.

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